Houston, TX – September 21, 2022
Pulido Transport is proud to attend the Shell 2022 Road Transportation Conference from September 21-22, 2022 in Houston, TX. The Conference includes over 270 attendees and some of the speakers include Amir Gerges, Shell Vice President for Safety, Ed Emmett, Fellow in Energy and Transportation Policy at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy and Kenny Ray, Vice President of Safety & Risk Consulting at Cline Wood/Marsh MMA. Exhibitors include Cummins, Hyliion, Shell Fleet Solutions and Shell Hydrogen at the Conference. Penske Logistics will present “Partnership in Motion” reviewing the last two years and outlook for the future. Alex Suescun, CFO, is representing Pulido Transport at the Conference.
Pulido Transport, established in 1995, is a bulk liquid transporter of lubricants, general chemicals and waxes with a terminal in Houston. Our clients include top tier oil & gas and chemical companies for whom we transport across the 48 states and Canada. Our outstanding safety record combined with flexible transportation solutions is how we best add value. #pulidotransport #carrier #bulkliquid #tanker #lubricants #waxes #chemicals #storage #transportation #houston #shell #shellroadtransportationconference