Pulido Transport attends Transportation Club of Houston Luncheon

Houston, TX – March 20, 2019

Pulido Transport attended the Transportation Club of Houston (TCH) Luncheon on Monday, March 18, 2019.  TCH was founded in 1915 and fosters the networking, interaction, and education of stakeholders for all modes of transportation.  The keynote speaker was Dr. Ronald Abbott, Sustainability Technical Manager for Chevron Phillips Chemical (CPChem) Company.  Dr. Abbott is responsible for advancing technical programs in chemical and mechanical recycling supporting CPChem’s sustainability program.  Dr. Abbott’s speech consisted of the nature of CPChem’s overall business and the industry’s efforts to end plastic waste.  As said by Alex Suescun, CFO of Pulido Transport, “the luncheon was a great way to learn more about the chemical industry and network with other transportation companies.”