Pulido Transport proudly sponsors Jefferson County Go Texan

Houston, TX – February 18, 2020

Pulido Transport is a proud 2020 sponsor of Jefferson County Go Texan (“JCGT”) at the World’s Championship BBQ Cook-off at the Houston Livestock & Rodeo.  This year’s event will be held Feburay 27-29 on the grounds of NRG Park.

Since 1972, JCGT has been involved with the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo.  Through yearly events, golf tournaments, & other events, JCGT raises funds for the youth of Jefferson County.  In 2019, JCGT distributed over $62,000+ in scholarship funds.  Additional information regarding JCGT can be found at www.jeffersoncogotexan.com.

Pulido Transport, established in 1995, is a bulk liquid transporter of lubricants, general chemicals and waxes with terminals in Houston and Beaumont. Our clients include top tier oil & gas and chemical companies for whom we transport across the 48 states. Our outstanding safety record combined with flexible transportation solutions is how we best add value.  #pulidotransport #bulkliquid #tanker #lubricants #waxes #chemicals