What is Pulido Transport’s Vision?
Deliver peace of mind to every customer.
What is Pulido Transport’s Mission?
Safely pickup on time and safely deliver on time every load.
What are Pulido Transport’s Core Values?
Safety, reliability, teamwork and grit.
What year was Pulido Transport established?
Established in 1995.
Where is Pulido Transport headquartered?
Houston, TX.
Where are Pulido Transport’s terminals?
Houston, 14308 Beaumont Hwy, Houston, TX 77049.
Where does Pulido Transport operate?
Across the 48 lower continental states and Canada.
What products does Pulido Transport transport?
Lubricants, waxes and general chemicals.
Is Pulido Transport certified to transport Hazardous Materials?
What kind of bulk liquid tankers are available?
Straight round (rear unloader), double conical (center unloader) and aluminum compartment trailers.
Is Pulido Transport an asset based carrier?
Pulido Transport drivers include company and owner operators?
Does Pulido Transport rent trailers for storage?
Are product pumps and air compressors for off-loading available?
Are tank trailers steam capable?
What Transportation Management Software does Pulido Transport utilize?
PCS Software
What Electronic Logging Device (ELD) does Pulido Transport utilize?
Is GPS available?
Yes, via Samsara.
Is Pulido Transport EDI capable?
Yes, Kleinschmidt is our VAN.
Can customers track loads in real time?
Samsara is linked to customer when load is tendered and can be tracked the entire time in transit.
Does Pulido Transport work with brokers?
Does Pulido Transport broker its loads?