Pulido Transport remembers 9/11 and the 2,997 people killed and over 6,000 injured on that day 20 years ago. We honor their sacrifice for our country and pray peace and comfort for all the families impacted. We hope and pray for the spirit and unity of our country that emerged in the aftermath of 9/11.
May we never forget September 11, 2001!
Pulido Transport, established in 1995, is a bulk liquid transporter of lubricants, general chemicals and waxes with terminals in Houston and Beaumont. Our clients include top tier oil & gas and chemical companies for whom we transport across the 48 states and Canada. Our outstanding safety record combined with flexible transportation solutions is how we best add value. #pulidotransport #carrier #bulkliquid #tanker #lubricants #waxes #chemicals #storage #transportation #houston #beaumont