Driver Appreciation Week at Pulido Transport

Houston, TX – September 16, 2022

Driver Appreciation Week 2022 at Pulido Transport was celebrated with breakfasts and gifts including Pulido Transport caps, Pulido Transport beanie caps and Chick-fil-A gift cards. We will end the week Saturday, September 17, with a game at the Astros. The AL West first place Astros will face the Oakland Athletics. We are thankful for our drivers who, along with their families, make tremendous sacrifices while on the road. Our drivers are on the frontline ensuring we execute the Pulido Transport Mission to “safely pickup on time and safely deliver on time every load”.

Pulido Transport, established in 1995, is a bulk liquid transporter of lubricants, general chemicals and waxes with a terminal in Houston. Our clients include top tier oil & gas and chemical companies for whom we transport across the 48 states and Canada. Our outstanding safety record combined with flexible transportation solutions is how we best add value. #pulidotransport #carrier #bulkliquid #tanker #lubricants #waxes #chemicals #storage #transportation #houston