Pulido Transport attends ENTERchange at the Houston Minority Supplier Development Council

Houston, TX – April 28, 2017

On Thursday, April 27, Pulido Transport visited the offices of the Houston Minority Supplier Development Council to attend ENTERchange, an orientation to better understand the benefits of the Council.  ENTERchange provided information on how to be strategic within the Council, ways to maximize the HMSDC certification and other resources.  The orientation was led by Constance Jones who is responsible for ensuring that business members are effectively recruited, certified, oriented, informed and supported.  Alex Suescun, CFO, represented Pulido Transport at the orientation.  The orientation was followed by a mixer at Top Golf.

The mission of HMSDC is to actively involve its business members in efforts that will increase and expand opportunities and growth for Minority Business Enterprises and to drive excellence in supplier diversity and supplier development.